
Showing posts from September, 2020

Assignment: Pantomine

 With the pantomime, I dedicated more time to making it functional as an animation rather than cleaning it up. However, if allowing myself more time, I would definitely fix the graphical blunders. I always am very excited to learn, understand, and apply motion by frame, like the hangtime of a jump or a kicked ball.

Assignment: Gesture Drawing

  In this project, I've started doing outside research so that I could look for poses and incorporate them into my drawing. Also, I drew these with the possibility of animating them in mind. This was a very odd way for me to think of a character.

Assignment: Overlapping Action

  This project was a little bit more difficult than the previous one. Understanding how an object moves relative to a different object and being able to animate this understanding proved to be a challenge. At this point in time, I was still manually moving and redrawing objects frame by frame.

Animation Assignment: Bouncing Ball

  My thoughts going into this project was to figure out how to patiently make the ball's bounce as close the reality as possible. This was my first project made in Harmony. Without previous software experience, I applied anything I can remember from my time doing stop motion. I tried to be funny with at least a section of it. But I understood that I had to take time with cleaning up.